JCGA supports business growth through investing in its Shop Jefferson County public education campaign. JCGA coordinates billboards, newspaper and radio ads, and social media marketing partnerships to demonstrate the benefits and positive differences we each can make when we choose to shop local.
Whether you’re looking for a sign maker, coffee shop, tires, or much more, JCGA encourages Jefferson Countians to purchase from fellow Jefferson County businesses.

So why is this good for our area?
JCGA’s Shop Jefferson County public education campaign key facts/benefits:
- We all have many choices of “where” to shop and buying locally is a sure-fire way to strengthen your community and your county.
- More sales tax dollars to support police, fire, ambulance, libraries, schools, and other tax-funded programs.
- Better, safer roads and bridges make for a better business economy and quality of life. More sales tax dollars help support road and bridge improvements right here.
- Keeps our neighbors working — local jobs are created and sustained..
- Brings our dollars home (for example, sales taxes)
- Makes for more thriving communities.
- Improves quality of life.
Shopping local AND hiring local strengthen our community every day.
Hire Jefferson County
The Jefferson County Growth Association continues to work with local school districts and Jefferson College to showcase high-tech, good-paying jobs in the local manufacturing community. The Growth Association believes by providing opportunities for families and young adults to explore careers with local manufacturers, more Jefferson County residents will discover potential careers here in their back yard!
How can we help make sure more money stays in the community?
Whether you’re making retail purchases or shopping for services, please consider buying locally. Support our stores, banks, credit unions, restaurants, home-based businesses, and Jefferson County service providers.
Need a landscaper, architect, excavator, or electrical work? Why look out of town?
Hiring local contractors and supporting local businesses means residents of our area will have secure jobs because their companies will have revenue coming in. People who live and work in our communities recycle those dollars right here when they buy gas, food, clothing, coffee, pay rent, etc.
- Make it a point to seek out local companies and contractors first when beginning a project.
- Encourage your fellow employees to buy locally.
- Educate your children and grandchildren (by examples) about the importance of purchasing locally, and how the dollars they spend in towns and cities in our county are recycled throughout the communities and help sustain jobs.